Next Day or Same Day Deliveriesy

Next Day or Same Day Deliveriesy

Deliver when and where the customer needs, be it next-day, or the same-day, across any distance.

Capacity Optimization

Better utilize resource and vehicle capacity to reduce logistics movement costs.

Easy Loading and Unloading

Scan and load each unit item in each crate for easy processing and complete visibility.

Shorter Turnaround Time

Optimize routes for fast but safe movement to reduce turnaround time for resources.

Quick Deliveries for All Customers

Fulfill all customer timelines such as preferred time-slot deliveries on the same-day or the next-day across state lines with real-time tracking and notifications covering each event from dispatch to final handover.

On-time Parcel Delivery

On-time Parcel Delivery

Increase customer satisfaction by consistently delivering parcels on-time whether on the same-day, overnight (next-day morning), or next business day across geographies.

Optimized Scheduling

Plan the sequence of all shipments precisely to fulfill all parcel deliveries on-time factoring in all preferred time-slots, territory or work area related coordinators (or contractors), delivery van specifications, etc.

Enhanced Route Planning

Utilize more than a billion location tracking data points to plan optimized routes for all shipment movement across state lines and time zones avoiding local traffic to delivery parcels on-time, every time.

Instant Notifications and Validation

Instant Notifications and Validation

Keep all stakeholders including customers and local parcel coordinators aware of all incoming shipments with instant notifications and eventual delivery validation.

Status Notifications

Communicate each shipment status update such as nearing key locations or any delay.

Live Tracking

Track each shipment in real-time to help companies be more responsive and agile.

Delivery Validation

Ensure process transparency by validating all deliveries electronically from the app.

Dynamic Rerouting and ETAs

Live Traffic Analysis

Analyze traffic across trips to find out the best route to deliver all parcels as per timelines.

Estimated Time of Arrival

Calculate accurate ETAs to maximize on-time deliveries across work areas and territories.

Pickup Assignments

Auto-assign pickup requests to the right associate and accordingly adjust their routes.

Intelligent Rerouting

Reroute trips mid-journey in case of long delays, pickup requests, customer requests, etc.

Accurate Addressing

Avoid delays caused by searching for wrong addresses by fixing them early utilizing machine learning.

ETA Updates

Send instant ETA updates in case of any delay or rerouting to sustain clear communication.

Follow Optimized Routes and Order Sequences

Follow Optimized Routes and Order Sequences

Delivery associates can follow clear and optimized routes and order sequences (or schedules) from their app with easy-to-understand directions and voice-enabled interaction capabilities.