Learn how to safeguard transportation management software (TMS) from cyber threats, including data breaches, ransomware, and insider attacks, to ensure secure logistics operations.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the most popular online shopping weekends of the year, and with it, the busiest time for online retail websites. To ensure your business thrives during this extravaganza, we’ve compiled a comprehensive checklist with 20 essential pointers to maximize profit.
Data security is one of the bedrocks and foundational pillars that hold the LogiNext Transportation Platform. A dedicated team of engineers and analysts continuously ensure rigorous testing and stay up to date with the latest technology to ensure all data within our systems is safe and secure.
Morgan Stanley predicts that 30% of Microsoft revenue would be purely from its cloud products by 2018. Moreover, Microsoft predicts that the revenue from their new-cloud licensing would be up to 1.8 times the revenue from non-cloud licensing. Technology Business Research (TBR) predicts that the global revenue from the cloud computing platform would be $167 Billion.