Are Preorder ETAs the ultimate delivery catfish? Learn why your order’s arrival time keeps changing and how AI is fixing the problem for good.
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) and Estimated Time of Delivery (ETD) are key performance metrics during deliveries. Learn what are the main differences and what significance they bring in real time fleet tracking software solutions.
Decathlon, with a million daily shipments moving through its 1100 stores across the world, picks the best global route and resource optimization solution provider, LogiNext, to streamline their merchandise movement with accurate on-time deliveries and complete end-to-end distribution visibility.
Stuck in traffic? That’s a problem from everyone from a delivery associate to an operations manager or their very customers. Every person understands the unpredictable nature of traffic snarls. We have all been there, “I am late. Stuck in traffic!”. It has become the epidemic of new generation of which we can’t find any cure. But should you ask questions? Is traffic the only reason meetings, appointments, or estimated time of arrivals are delayed?