Drones are almost at your doorstep with last mile deliveries! Drones are a wonderful addition to the world of logistics for numerous reasons. And why not? They’re fast, cheap, and environmentally friendly alternatives to many forms of transportation. The future of last-mile deliveries revolves around introducing drones into the supply chain to save time, costs, […]
Innovation is the driving force behind progress and eventual success. To educate us more about innovation, technology, and growth we invite to our interview series the versatile investor and innovator, Mr. Jairaj Mashru. With his vision and intellect, Mr. Mashru has been a helpful guide to many entrepreneurs, seeing them off to profitability.
Ever played the classic Grand Theft Auto? Ever made a drone drop in the game? That’s delivery route planning. Technology has caught up to make that experience much more sophisticated. You can actually pick and drop items using just your basic smartphone.