Plan and Optimize Each Part of Your Delivery Process

In the world of optimization, the key is to do more with less. Imagine utilizing the 1000-strong on-field workforce to effectively manage more than 10,000 deliveries, and most of them on-time with high customer satisfaction. That is the ideal result which companies target. Companies plan for this, but when it comes to execution of these plans, the actual outcomes are quite different from the initial expectations.

There is a way to bridge this gap, between the expectation and outcomes. And it is ‘tech-backed optimization’. LogiNext has been a leading player in this space. Here are some ways that LogiNext can help your company increase the efficiency of your operations.

Reducing Address Locating Errors

Consider your 10,000 deliveries from before. If 30-40% have vague addresses, then around 3500 of your deliveries might be delayed. And this is on-top of traffic and other detention times. Moreover, confirmation of these addresses would require that the delivery personnel call the end-client and customer for verification of the destination. This has a clear cost involved: (i) phone rate (ii) intangible brand value cost of calling the receiver and portraying an efficient image.

Using machine learning, LogiNext validates every data point (latitude and longitude) to ensure the accuracy of all delivery addresses. These accurate locations become part of the planning and scheduling. This means that right from the start you have a higher probability of meeting your estimated time of arrivals (ETAs) for all your deliveries. LogiNext has more than a billion active location data points that it uses to validate addresses around the world.

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Identify Key Resource Attributes

Identify the key attributes like vehicle capacity and speed. Each delivery person may have specialized local knowledge which may make them more efficient than others for a trip. LogiNext’s system takes all this into account to plan an optimized delivery schedule. This way the delivery person who is most attuned to the location and knows the routes well, will be assigned a territory or area. Such delivery person can be marked under a single geofence.

A geofence is a defined geographical area. The geofence can be created by a manager. It’s as simple as clicking a dragging a geospatial layer (cover) over the required area.

Geofence mapping territory planning

Delivery personnel or vehicles can be directly assigned to respective geofences. When an order from that area comes up in the system, it would get assigned to the delivery personnel mapped to the area. Such targeted allocation helps companies contain costs and make the most of available ground-level knowledge.

Priority Delivery Scheduling

Another aspect which helps companies add value for their end-customer is by offering priority deliveries. You might have ordered things online. You would receive an option to either choose normal delivery or priority delivery (time and day of your choice). For a manager, such customer requirements act as sales agreements. The customer expects the delivery in that time-slot if it has been promised.

The challenge is to schedule such priority deliveries over and above the normally scheduled deliveries. LogiNext’s planning engine factors in the probable ETAs (historical and current) to find out the best sequence of deliveries to be followed to minimize delays and overall turnaround time. Priority deliveries carry precedence and often come at short notice. The initial planning may have already been completed, but since the new request happened overnight, the manager might have to push it into the pre-planned route. This would lead to needless delays of the remaining orders. However, with LogiNext’s planning engine, this won’t happen as the manager can plan a new sequence in the morning before dispatch. Also, the ETAs are re-calculated at the start of the trip. Delays, if any, would be visible from the start and proper communication with the end-user (or proper corrective) can be initiated.

Real-time Delivery Tracking

Once the trip has started, the manager can actively track each delivery person as they move along the optimized route. Real-time delivery tracking helps the manager react quickly and appropriately in case of any service disruption. Consider that out of the 1000 workforce considered earlier, 10% of them are detained due to vehicle breakdown. In this case, the manager would be alerted and the remaining 90% can take over the 10%’s workload and ensure minimal delay. The manager can track all ETAs and service times.

Utilize LogiNext’s Last Mile Delivery Software for seamless communication among delivery staff, enabling real-time updates, traffic alerts, and targeted notifications. Elevate last-mile delivery efficiency with enhanced responsiveness and agility.

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Authenticate Delivery Handover in Real-time

Delivery personnel can authenticate all successful deliveries through high-definition proof of delivery images. This ePOD (electronic proof of delivery) is used by the manager and the company to validate the delivery was in-fact handover in the right condition and at the right time. The ePOD also involves an e-Sign by the end-customer. The HD images captured as the ePOD go through LogiNext’s proprietary compression engine to make them smaller without losing any detail. This way, delivery personnel can even use 2G bandwidth to send HD images and store them using minimal phone space.

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The delivery person can also capture the customer’s feedback at the point of exchange. All this information is immediately synced back to the company’s system. The manager can immediately review all authentication and feedback material. If any action must be taken, the manager can do so in quick time. Moreover, with the digital and real-time syncing of all delivery related documentation, invoicing errors decrease heavily.

Analyze Comprehensive Reports

When the trips originating from a branch are successfully completed, the manager can analyze the comprehensive reports generated within LogiNext’s interactive dashboard. The manager can identify all sudden or recurring bottlenecks; all demand spikes or dips; all resource performance; and all cost creating points in the process. The manager can use this information to forecast future budget and requirements. This means that each day the system would learn new things which can help the manager better the business.

Cloud-based optimization of resources, routes, and deliveries is the best way to ensure that your company not just matches industry benchmarks, but also breaks and resets them continually. This is the ability and overall charm of LogiNext.

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