The war is on. The lines are drawn. Retail and e-commerce have locked swords. Which side are you on? If these thoughts seem ominous to you, then don’t worry. There is peace ahead. Retail vs E-commerce is a new but heated battle. They are different, but not that different.
What to do in case of Ransomware attack? A Symantec’s report suggested that a modest Ransomware, or Cryptolocker, earned more than US$ 300,000 a month. A previous version of the Ransomware earned more than US$ 27 million. Most of these software authors create a chain of ‘Sales Professionals’ to further their reach.
Remember the viral video of Travis Kalanick from earlier this year where he is berating an Uber driver to take ownership of his own problem. Well we all know that video as the start of the derailment of Uber’s public relations. It’s easy to now imagine the company as being self-centered and culturally egoistic.
Internet-connected trackers use long-range networks or Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) to let companies track specific items throughout their delivery journeys by which estimated time of arrival for the shipment can be predicted.
White Paper: The Assumption Within AIDAS is Unsaid but Profound. This idea that the expectation stage of consumers can be generalized across industries and timelines, is prone to error. How does this generalization affect the decision flow of consumers? To answer this, I will help you look closely at these assumptions.
The pioneering company has done it before with the world’s first Electric Sedan, and they have been bettering their engines all this time. Can Elon’s claim and Tesla’s virtue bear fruit? Could we be witnessing the first electric semi-truck in the next two years?
The history of the ‘Current’, or ‘Energy Wars’ is known to all of us. Now, close to a century after Nikola Tesla’s brilliance, the company, inspired by his vision, is ready to push the envelope in the new ‘Energy Wars’!
At first, there was a question, ‘how to write a blog?’. Then the answer began with the concept that ‘Everyone Can Write’, and at the end of a very fruitful and creatively fulfilling day, that concept became a fact. “Writing is just another art of expression, it can be done as easily as you tap your feet or sway your body when you listen to your favorite music.”
A myriad of technology solutions have been built keeping this dilemma in mind, and organizations that have sensed the dire need for on field workforce management with real-time visibility, route optimization & auto scheduling, have taken to such solutions very well.
We are pleased to invite to our interview platform, a man who is led by a vision, and who leads with innovation. Mr. Ekmeet Singh, Co-founder and CEO, Lendbox. Lendbox has become the biggest disruptor in the personal finance industry in recent times.