Retail and e-commerce are moving fast and merging along the line into a singular platform. What is driving this behavior for these mega-entities? What is the one factor which is bringing all of retail and e-commerce onto one platform?
The Southeast Asian region would grow at 32% CAGR, reaching about $88 billion by 2025, Indian shores have taken up e-commerce strongly. Here, the market is slated to reach $64 billion by 2020, $200 billion by 2026, and surpass the U.S market by 2034
With LogiNext, high-end machine learning enabled logistics optimization rounds off at the end with human-driven achievements. In the world of fast-moving deliveries, this balance creates a sustainable and scalable model of efficiency.
Internet of things (IoT) with the latest in machine-learning backed algorithms are the way logistics would be optimized to meet all customer demands and requirements, right from fast shipping, live tracking and notifications, and on-time delivery with optimized final mile movement.
Retail, as we grown to recognize it, might not exist in the near future. This isn’t another retail doom warning. On the contrary, it’s about how the retail and e-commerce space is fast evolving. These players must give convenience wrapped in a neat delivery experience.
Gone are days of static analysis and planning. Deliveries are made not within charts and tables. They are made live, so should their scheduling and routing. All live. You know everything one glance, you can do everything in one click.
Amazon’s prime day upped the utilization of their fulfillment centers by over 25%. They have made their logistics leg into a powerhouse which they keep leveraging to get ahead of the competition. O one hand they are losing money and on the other, they are continuously building value, much more than any other company. What’s the key here?
Companies can compete by making a better product. But it’s no longer enough. The company also must create a great delivery experience for the customer. Proper logistics movement optimization is key, not just to ensure quick and on-time deliveries, but also to boost customer satisfaction and retention.
Ever wondered how some of these big-name e-commerce companies across the globe manage international sales events? It is only possible with tech creating shorter delivery routes and more successful (on-time) deliveries per day. This tech is the crux of what makes same-day delivery, not just a phenomenon but a reality.
Tech adoption and change management go hand in hand. You may invest billions in the latest tech, but if your people aren’t using it properly and getting the most benefit out of it, you would never see the full extent of benefits. How to avoid this? Train your folks in the best way of doing things.