5 Signs Your Field Workforce is Ready For Field Service Optimization

Singular goal of each company is to succeed. To achieve this goal, you must plan your resources efficiently and direct them in the right direction. This is the only path to glory across industries. To begin with, you should analyze and identify your resources and their outputs. One of the aspects that you should analyze is your field workforce management.

Consider your own field workforce management system. Your workforce is the face of your company and should be handled with care. A wrong foot with your logistic management system can turn into a disaster for your company’s image. You must be proactive while handling your field workforce efficiently to avoid any embarrassment or loss of business opportunities. You should be able to identify pitfalls before they appear. Here are 5 signs prompting that your field workforce management system needs optimization.

Do you have multiple delivery personnel working similar routes while regularly missing scheduled deliveries?

You should set your alarm bells if this keeps happening. This is major concern amongst many last mile delivery companies. This is simply mismanagement of resources. You should chart out all the routes that each of your delivery personnel utilize and figure out a way that none of them have intersecting routes. The trouble here is that if you keep doing this every day for all your routes, you would invest a lot of your management resources in just declogging your field workforce management system.

Do you find that you are unable to service the entire geographical reach of your area with your field workforce?

You should be concerned if your existing number of delivery personnel are not able to reach the maximum desired area of service. This is a competitive industry and the serviceable area or reach counts for a unique value proposition. You might be missing out on business opportunities here. This also suggests that you are not fully utilizing the available field workforce in place at your company.

Importance of keeping track of field workforce

Do you have a lack of transparency in the logistic management system at your company?

You should identify the situations where the discrepancies occur in your system. To do this, you should analyze all the plug points of information within the system. These plug points would be different instances of handover such as pick-up and delivery points. Essentially, these points cover all exchanges of information. Discrepancy occurs if one entity of your field workforce management system has a different view point of the events than the other.

Do you have trouble assigning the right delivery to the right delivery person?

You should assign a delivery to the person best suited to accomplish it. This is relevant when you consider last mile delivery and its peripherals. The right delivery person would be chosen based on expert analytics of the field workforce management system. You would have to identify the quickest and most efficient way to deliver your product by using route optimization solutions. If this process is not streamlined, you would end up with a backlog of unfulfilled deliveries.

Do you find yourself handling customer grievances more than managing customer testimonials?

You should ensure that the customer inherits a substantial amount of benefit from the delivery to build satisfaction and loyalty. This is a difficult task if you regularly miss service level agreements such as meeting a pre-decided Estimated Time of Delivery (ETD). You should make use of the logistic management system set-up of your company to exceed customer expectations.

Advantage of Logistics Management System with LogiNext

So, you have seen the 5 signs that your field workforce management system needs optimization.

Let’s see just how to go about optimizing them…

  • Field Workforce Management: A proper field workforce management software helps you to understand the strengths and weakness of each delivery person through a self-learning algorithm. The software assigns the most appropriate delivery to the most ideal delivery person. The field workforce management software calculates all the variables to further assign the correct number of deliveries to any personnel.

Recommended read: What is the use of tracking, if it’s not in real-time? A technology you should NOT ignore!

  • Logistic Management System: A logistic management system performs analytics on the company’s delivery history and figures out the most cost-effective process to deliver maximum products. This would ensure that you are using your resources optimally. This incorporates the delivery constraints such as truck capacity and time-limits associated with any delivery route.
  • Delivery Route Optimization: A logistic management system performs delivery route optimization across all deliverables. You can identify the best route to make your delivery in real time. There would be many contingencies along a delivery route that you need to be incorporated in your planning. For instance, if you have real time GPS vehicle tracking software, you can re-route your vehicles in the event of sudden traffic snarls along the original route.
Delivery Route Optimization with LogiNext
  • Last Mile Delivery: An efficient Last Mile Delivery set-up is paramount if you want to streamline your delivery processes. LogiNext offers a top-of-the-line Mile product that helps you automate all your delivery cycles in a single window. You would not have to wonder about the location of any particular delivery. The software would give you regular updates and alerts regarding all developments along each delivery route. It would also assist you in utilizing all the solutions mentioned above.
  • Customer Retention: A successful company ensures that there is the highest level of service visibility for the customer. If the customer can themselves track their delivery, there would be more assured and would have a more realistic expectation regarding the ETD. This would, not only, make your logistic management system more effective, but also involve the customer in the logistics process. This would help in managing customer expectations which you would be more likely to meet and exceed in the future.

If you can relate to any signs mentioned above, you need to align with the best in logistics and field workforce management software company, LogiNext. Remember, a customer lost once, is lost forever.

Are you ready to enter into the world of organized logistics and field workforce management? Click Here.

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