11/11 Singles’ Day 2020 is here! Here’s how AI & ML tech can help handle delivery peaks


November 11 is a special day for all the bachelors (singles)! This day is celebrated as an unofficial holiday in response to Valentine’s day and is also a day when online sales volumes  peak! It is the largest online shopping festival  primarily driven by Alibaba.com where sales crossed $1 billion a minute at peak. Although initiated in  China, the online shopping festival is now celebrated across the world but is especially popular in South East Asia.  


We did a detailed post on the details of the Singles’ Day last year and as we hit this year’s Big Day,  customers will be excited and busy taking advantage of the offers at hand. But for the e-Commerce  companies and delivery firms, their work will be cut out. This is the testing day when all the systems and processes  built over the year are put under the stress test. 


At LogiNext, we work with several large global e-Commerce companies to help optimise logistics  with the help of technology automation. How do we do it? The LogiNext Mile is a SaaS platform (watch video) which can be used by enterprises for their first, middle and last mile logistics automation and optimisation. Enterprises can gain granular visibility through highly customisable analytical solutions by choosing a pricing plan according to their need and scale. 



The case of Flexibility and Agility


Delivery Associates


The modern world of e-commerce which has been accelerated by a decade because of the covid  pandemic is forcing e-commerce companies and enterprises in complementing industries to  digitise, automate and optimise their backend operations. For any large player, it is crucial to build scalable systems which are agile and flexible. 


It becomes especially important in cases like the Singles’ Day Sale or Black Friday where the  number of deliveries skyrocket. And covid has magnified how uncertain things can be! Enterprises need to prepare for any such unforeseen circumstance and for such occasions,  pro-active planning and building robust systems is of utmost importance. 


Read more: How this APAC e-commerce giant uses LogiNext for e-Commerce


The LogiNext answer- AI, ML powered Logistics Automation solution 


AI ML powered algorithm


Since 2014, we’ve been working with enterprises across the globe to figure out the pain points,  possible areas where a delivery system can break and efficient ways of scaling up (and down)  operations for e-Commerce companies. In this post, we bring to you some capabilities that the LogiNext Mile platform offers and areas which an e-commerce or logistics firm has to keep in mind in the current tech-savvy world.  


  1. Accurate and precise ETA calculation



Accurate ETAs


From the time e-commerce came in vogue, expected time of delivery and visibility at various steps  is something enterprises have been working on. But it is only very recently due to the pandemic  that complete visibility has become absolutely critical. LogiNext’s route optimization and  scheduling algorithms have learnt quickly over the past couple of years and are now capable of  delivering precise and accurate ETAs so that your end-customer is satisfied and delighted. Always!


2. Choosing the right carrier


Choosing the right carrier


Choosing a right delivery partner and optimising fleet management is a critical area during high volume days like the 11/11. The LogiNext SaaS platform gives you this capability by looking at  historical data and current trends to help you choose the carrier which will help maintain your  SLAs. 


3. Pack it right and pre-pack?


Packing it right


This is an area of intense research currently. We’ve been looking at parcel volumes (size) and the  way a carrier can efficiently pack parcels to increase efficiency and reduce emissions. Another  trend which is being discussed is pre-packing of all items (before an order comes in). Would that  help in quicker sorting and deliveries? What are the environmental sustainability implications? We’re here to help you look at these questions and chart out the best way forward. 


4. Load balancing and Batching


LogiNext Driver App


When we’re talking of volumes of the kinds of Singles’ Day or Black Friday, clear visibility of the  entire supply chain and predictive analysis are mission critical. Load Balancing capability helps  one keep track of inventory and is also utilised at the time of deliveries. Batching of orders is  another big area of research and advancement which is being used to improve delivery associate  productivity. 


Are these the kind of questions you’re trying to answer? Are you an e-commerce company looking to make  a move towards automation and efficiency? Speak to LogiNext.


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